June 2005

June 7th 2005 6:30 PM

I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Pro Tem Watson called the meeting to order with Council Members Ficklin, Hoffman and James present. Mayor McGrory was necessarily away on business.

II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Council Member James moved to approve the May Worksession minutes as presented. Council Member Hoffman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

III. SUMMER PROGRAM AT PORT TOWNS ELEMENTARY: Teacher Charles White requested that Town provide space for the program as the school has become unavailable. Council tasked the Town Administrator to research the options.


Memorandum of Understanding with Colmar Manor for Port Towns Bus: The Town Attorney has reviewed the document and found it in order. The Council will vote on this at the June Council Meeting.

Tax Rate: The Treasurer will notify the County that the Tax Rate will be set at the June Council Meeting as part of the Budget approval process.

Performance Evaluation System: This policy and procedure, as presented, will be voted on at the June Council Meeting.

Adoption of Police Ranks Job Descriptions: These will be voted on at the June Council Meeting.

Emergency Ordinance 4-2005: Budget Amendment: This ordinance, to record $50,000 received from LANDEX Corp. for the COPS program, will be voted on at the June Council Meeting.

Procedures for Public Speakers: The Council concurred with the new procedures as presented by the Clerk. Additionally, speakers will come to the podium, as suggested by the Code Enforcement Supervisor to improve cable broadcasting of the speakers. The procedures will be explained at the June Council Meeting and used starting at the July Council Meeting.

National League of Cities: Council Member James moved to approve the Town again becoming members of the organization. Council Member Ficklin seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Community Standards: Council Member James moved to adopt the document as presented with one change to 1.D. Council Member Watson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Council Member James will incorporate the change into the document.


Council Student Representative: Council Member James will develop a plan based on the discussion.


ICMA Retirement: A representative from the organization will be brought in to assist the employees with their accounts.

West Nile Virus: Steps for deterring mosquito breeding will be in the summer newsletter.

Bus Stop Issues: To be solved by TAG program.


Upcoming events, including the gospel concert at the Waterfront Park were announced.

The Library will be added to the Project/Task List

VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, at 9:10 p.m. Council Member Hoffman moved to adjourn. Council Member Ficklin seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted, Pat McAuley, Town Clerk