Free Hope Baptist Church

Free Hope Baptist ChurchHistory tells us that members of the Bladensburg Presbyterian Church were an influential force during the forming years of the Republic.

Soon after one of the major conflicts of the War of 1812 took place at Bladensburg, the Church relocated its worship services in Bladensburg again, in 1818, and the manse of God was moved brick by brick to its new home. It retained its use of the Evergreen. The 1818 building still exists for church use, a red-bricked structure, sandwiched between two commercial endeavors, featuring, since 1872, the building was purchased and has been used for 101 years by one congregation, then in 1973 a congregation known as St. Paul Free Hope Baptist Church has been there.

Six ministers, who served from 1787 to 1795, and whose names are associated with the Church were: Cunningham Sample, Samuel Knox, William Moffit, and David Wiley led the flock, although the dates are unsure.